The Positive Hype Of The Complementary And Alternative Medicine Market

Inhale the future, exhale the past….
So goes a saying in yoga, which means to embrace the present and what’s about to come, and leave the past behind and every baggage that came with it. It goes without saying that Yoga has widely come to be integrated into many a person’s daily routine, crossing the boundaries of both region, and religion. However, it is not only yoga that has captured the attention of the global citizen. Tai-chi, homeopathy, Ayurveda and reiki are some of the other phenomenon that have caught the world by storm.
Exactly what are they, and how have they managed to convince people to practice them?
To answer simply, they are all forms that come under the concept of Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM). The next question would be, what exactly is this ‘CAM’? Simply put, complementary and alternative treatment include a number of traditional medicinal treatments where a disease is attended to with the help of organic products, natural methods, and faith healing. They are generally used in the treatment of chronic ailments and pains.
CAM - On A Blazing Trail…
Most prominent forms of complementary and alternative medicine in usage include application of ayurvedic medicine and naturopathic treatment, acupuncture, mind/body healing, yoga and magnetic intervention. Ayurveda and Naturopathic treatment involves usage of nature derived products that are believed to possess therapeutic properties for various medical conditions. Although the various forms of alternative medicine seem to be viable treatment options, they seldom have any documented and/or approved backing from any clinical data, and work on word-of-mouth and personal faith.
The complementary and alternative medicine market has been classified according to the medium of their application, that is, whether they are traditionally used, or body healing, external energy, mind healing, or through the use of diet and herbs. Another form of treatment is through the senses.
  • Traditional complementary and alternative medicine - Includes therapies and practices that have been practiced for centuries, and are more mainstream as compared to other CAM types. Examples are acupuncture, Ayurveda, homeopathy, naturopathy, and Chinese or Oriental medicine
  • Body healing - Is based on the idea that injury or illness in one area of the body adversely affects other bodily functions. Steps involve the use of manual manipulation so that the other body parts can be brought back to their normal functioning, which would allow full focus on the actual site of injury or illness. Often, body healing techniques are combined with those of the mind. Examples of this type include massage, tai chi, yoga, body movement therapies, and chiropractic & osteopathic medicine.


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